Is the privacy paradox being resolved?

Photo: @opkirilka via Twenty20

A new survey finds 83 percent of U.S. consumers between the ages of 18 to 49 willing to license their social and digital platform data for rewards and benefits of value to them. Yet the findings appear to run counter to other studies. What’s causing the privacy paradox and is it becoming less relevant or […]

Are iPhones Really Better for Privacy? Comparative Study of iOS and Android Apps

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

While many studies have looked at privacy properties of the Android and Google Play app ecosystem, comparatively much less is known about iOS and the Apple App Store, the most widely used ecosystem in the US. At the same time, there is increasing competition around privacy between these smartphone operating system providers. In this paper, […]

How privacy and security challenges may cause people to abandon your website

Image: iStock/Leestat

People have certain expectations when they sign into a website. They want the login and registration process to be smooth and convenient. They want to be able to access their information quickly and without any hiccups. And increasingly they want to know if and how their private data is being collected and used. Fail to […]