How Can Government Protect Constituents’ Digital Privacy?

Digital privacy moves beyond protecting the data we have to ensuring that constituents have knowledge of and a say in how their data is used. So where do state and local governments go from here? Read on our data secure channel. Join Us Now!

FTC warns of internet providers’ data trove

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios

Internet service providers like Comcast or AT&T are able to invade users’ privacy just as aggressively as digital advertising giants like Google and Facebook, the Federal Trade Commission said in a report Thursday. Read on our data secure channel. Join Us Now!

Dystopia Is Upon Us. Are You Ready?

From constant surveillance to algorithms that decide what we see, society is entering territory reserved for fictional dystopias. Here’s how to push back. Read on our data secure channel. Join Us Now!

Is the privacy paradox being resolved?

Photo: @opkirilka via Twenty20

A new survey finds 83 percent of U.S. consumers between the ages of 18 to 49 willing to license their social and digital platform data for rewards and benefits of value to them. Yet the findings appear to run counter to other studies. What’s causing the privacy paradox and is it becoming less relevant or […]

Google’s Pichai calls for federal privacy legislation over patchwork of state laws

James Martin/CNET

Washington has discussed, but not passed, privacy legislation. Pichai said Europe’s privacy law, known as the General Data Protection Regulation, is a useful model for the US in considering legislation to protect personal data. The 3-year-old law governs how and what companies can do with data they collect on residents of the EU. Read on our […]